In the article of  Poupendol  on " Petit Bob ", very nice dress  of Bleuette (1998, twelve years ago), I would note that in 1935, Gautier-Languereau catalog showed early Bleuette dressed in this set wearing high gaiters, with buttons, of which there is no trace of sale or in this catalog, nor in the following ......

They have indeed exist yet as they are played back as you can see in the picture above catalogs below regularly.

But beware, Bleuette had at least two kinds of spats. The earliest date, if one based on the first ad that is made, the year .... 1910 (Dec. 22 issue of page 334), leather, of course - nothing was too good for this little doll - either white or champagne. Price: 90 cents !!!!.... Load Now it is true. In the midst of war in 1915, they are still available but rose 5 cents, 95 cents.

This year's, fashion catalogs Gautier-Languereau spent Bleuette did not exist, we do find these ads in newspapers in La Semaine de Suzette only.

 The publication of catalogs will not begin until the following year. This new advertisement is therefore in the Semaine de Suzette in 1914 and 1915, years scarce because of the dramatic events of the war. But from the early catalogs, the following year - the first date of 1916-1917 - it is the question again, always in the same colors, white or champagne, and regularly in both catalogs, summer and winter, until summer 1923. Then, they disappear, finally it seems, and no longer appear for the winter 1923-1924.


But with the release of "Petit Bob", and once before, others will appear as seen elsewhere with different outfits  but more often with this charming set.
Much more high, they cover the thighs and have buttons. They are from the catalog of the summer of 1928 brought " La Rafale " and " Giboulée ". Here are just suggested .. Then much more sharply in the next catalog, still winter 1932-33 including "La Rafale" ( page 6 ) which shows very clearly the buttons. Then in Summer 1934 with the catalog again " Giboulee ". Then in 1935-36, again with " Giboulee " but with " Le Zoo " and " Petit Bob ".

On page 5 of the Summer 1936 catalog, it seems to wear anything on her legs with " Terre Neuve ". It seems that this is a time. A long face before sewing the buttons have disappeared. Bleuette wears it again summer of 1937, page 5, again with " Petit Bob " finally on the cover of the winter 1937-1938, where we see a lot better as well as " Cosaque " where it seems destined to be worn for ice skating. We see one last suggestion with " Petit Bob " in the catalog of winter 1949-1950.

We have no further details thereof. For now, it seems that we should stick to the drawings which show gaiters or time most often in white at a very early, between 1928 and 1932, the gaiters, at least, existed in more calories. Indeed, during this relatively short period from 1928 to 1935, two drawers illustrated catalogs mode Bleuette published by Gautier-Languereau,  Maggie Salcedo and Manon Iessel. The latter began by replacing the previous one for two of them, that of the winter 1934-1935 and summer 1935. They were then redisigned by Maggie Salcedo until winter 1936-1937.

This change has just appeared at a time when these spats with buttons that
They therefore probably existed.

If someone has a pair, authentic of course, not a reproduction, thank you to share the photo and description with the friends of Poupendol are still likely to care for even Bleuette if they talk less.  

                                   They preserve her,  that's all !


  After that date, gaiters and time disappear and are replaced by well rising warm socks  and good rubber boots.

 This is the normal evolution of fashion and costs, and packing materials.



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